Messy Church/Teddy Bear Bunch

Messy Church is a great way of listening to God’s word through creative crafts, listening to stories, singing together and just having fun!! Visit our Facebook page here

St Mary’s Messy Church St Mary’s Messy Church Facebook link

St Michael’s Messy Church St Michael’s Messy Church Facebook link

See services for specific times in each church

See Messy Church throughout the year

Teddy Bear Bunch Co-ordinator Heather Beadle with Katie Kangaroo

Welcome! Teddy Bear Bunch meets at St Marys, Broughton Astley from 10.30am to 12noon on Wednesday mornings during the school term. This is a friendly group for babies up to school-age where children can play (or watch if very young!) while Parents/Carers get a chance to have some grown-up company and a cuppa. We always have a story and song time with Katie Kangaroo and a craft. There is no charge, but donations are welcome.